Category Archives: Vikings

And in Viking News, The Vikings traded with the arab world

Arab ring found in Viking hoard

Ring brings ancient Viking, Islamic civilizations closer together

Ancient find fingers ninth century connection between Vikings and Islamic civilization.

More than a century after its discovery in a ninth century woman’s grave, an engraved ring has revealed evidence of close contacts between Viking Age Scandinavians and the Islamic world.

Man, that’s a long way to sail in a longboat. Down the coast of Europe, across the Mediterranean and back….Reminds me of Michael Crichton’s Eaters of the Dead, where an Arab journeys with the Vikings…or Stephen Lawhead’s Byzantium, where an Irish monk turned Viking goes to the Mediterranean.

And in viking news, interesting thoughts on a Viking war game / board game

You Have to Play This 1,600-Year-Old Viking War Game. Especially if you’re a diplomat, soldier or spy, says one ex-spook, says Robert Beckhunsen in this recent article.

Hnefatafl is a Viking’s worst case scenario: Outnumbered, cut off from their boats—and on the verge of being massacred. Understanding the game played by Viking war parties on the way to raid England of its booty meant understanding something about the way the Vikings saw themselves. The total time spent playing the game may have been more than any individual warrior spent sacking the Anglo-Saxons, for instance.”

Hnefatafl is interesting because it’s asymmetric – White has 12 “hunns” and has to hustle their king to one of the safe castles to keep him alive, whereas Black has 24 “hunns” and is trying to hem in, capture and kill the King. Ex-spook Kristan Wheaton thinks it’s great training for military and political thinking:

“I love the asymmetry in this game. To win in this game, you absolutely have to think like your opponent,” emails Kristan Wheaton, a former Army foreign area officer and ex-analyst at U.S. European Command’s Intelligence Directorate. “Geography, force structure, force size and objectives are different for the two sides. If you can’t think like your opponent, you can’t win. I don’t know of a better analogy for post-Cold War conflict.”

While Hnefatafl is almost extinct as a game, there are in fact world championships – e.g. here in Scotland last year.

And in Viking news…

Apparently, at least one American Indian was brought back to Iceland by the Vikings.


Five hundred years before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, a Native American woman may have voyaged to Europe with Vikings, according to a provocative new DNA study.

I assume some novelist will get ahold of this soon and write the book!

It’s been awhile.

Well now, it’s been awhile since I posted anything! Coming soon, my annual best music of the year post. But in the meantime, I just finished a batch of beer, with help from Kristen & Erik. And special help from my sister in law Dallyn. I christened the beer Thor’s Hammer IPA, and she promptly designed a label for it. Can’t wait for the beer to finish fermenting & conditioning.

Here’s the label. Nice 8).

And some bottles.

And the elves who helped brew it.